Monday, April 21, 2014

Grace Like Rain

 This is a weed.  I am no theologian nor do I write quippy or controversial prose.  I am a simple girl who loves being loved by her God.  Every time, I mean EVERY time I go on a walk solo God ministers to my heart.  Today it was through this weed.  It caught my eye because of its flower.  It reminded me of Romans 5:8, fitting after celebrating Christ's death and resurrection this Sunday.

'You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die.  But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.'  

I'm like that weed, ugly and sinful, far from perfect.  In great need of grace.  In need of the One I love to look past my faults and inadequacies and to shower His grace on me.  What that weed benefitted from was the recent rains.  How grateful I am for God's grace that rains down on us--no matter who we are or what we've done, where we've come from, how long we've been wounded or how long we've been running.  He showers us with His grace and love and waits patiently for us to receive it and to be made beautiful in the midst of our weed-like tendencies.

I loved this post that my dear friend Colleen posted from Costa Rica yesterday:

Hey watching the whole world rejoice and wondering how they possibly could when the weight of your cross is still so heavy on your shoulders, when the pain still pierces, while you linger long in tomb mourning, you who are echoing Peter's "I never knew Him" loud still..I see you. You are not doing it wrong. Jesus does not have you on a dead line. He is alive and He will wait for you. That is what it means that Love won. Resurrection hope is still yours. Hang in there. Sunday will come for you too. You are not alone and not forgotten and not abandoned by the merry makers. We are celebrating what is yours too. We'll hold on to it until you are ready for it. And we will walk with you until then. Don't give up on Love.

Thank you, Jesus for your showers of grace.  Thank you for making beauty out of our failings.  Thank you for waiting on us.  Thank you for not requiring that we 'clean up' before you shower your love on us.  I will love you all my days.

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