Monday, January 17, 2011

The Little Things

I am a picture taker...ok...I'll totally admit it and I am not ashamed. This irritates my husband to no end. I think the reason I love taking pictures is that I love memories. I treasure them. If every thing or every person, for that matter, were taken away from you, you would still have your memories--the snapshots of your mind. Sometimes I will just lay in bed and let the films roll through my mind of days childhood, an embarrassing moment in junior high, my first crush, a significant moment in prayer with friends, an awkward first date, a fishing trip with my dad, my wedding day, one of my babies first words...

I was sitting with my family at a restaurant last night and I saw another family celebrating what looked like a grandmother's birthday. She was surrounded by her young grandchildren belting out 'Happy Birthday' in their squeaky super cute voices. I took a mental snaphot right then and was reminded of what is most important in life.

It's the little things.

I found this quote on facebook today:

'Enjoy the little things, for one day you will look back and realize they were the big things'

There are only a few things that will endure the test of time according to Scripture. (God's Love-Lamentations 3:22, His Works- 2 Cor. 4:18, His Words- Matthew 24:25, People-1 Peter 1:23-25) There are MANY many things that will fade away. I want to cherish the things that will last forever--one of which is you, me, our friends, family, children, co-workers, neighbors... What a great loss to pass over opportunities to encourage and point others to the things of God that will carry on for eternity.

"Who has done this and carried it through, calling forth the generations from the beginning? I, the LORD--with the first of them and with the last--I am he." Isaiah 41:4

Creator God, who is from the beginning and through the end and with us in the present, show us what is most important in this brief existence. Show us what a gift we possess. Amen.

(A Quick Foster/Adopt Update: We submitted our homestudy on two little boys--one age 5, one age 4. We will know in about a week if we were chosen for consideration as a placement for either of them. Please join us in prayer for those little guys and that God would align them with their perfect forever families as well as hold our hearts and prepare us for accepting His will and receiving His perfect child for us in His time.)

Some Snapshots of the "Little Things" of My Life

Tyler and our next door neighbor. What a blessing for a little boy to have a best buddy who is as close as a brother. Tyler has created a company called 'Mario Brothers Inc.' of which he and Evan 'belong to'. Evan gave him this blanket for Christmas.

Callie and Courtney and I went on a 'girls trip' to Dallas to visit some friends. They found these BFF necklaces that interlock magnetically. What a blessing to have a sister who is a built in best friend! Don't they already look like teenagers in this picture? They're only 7 & 4!!

1 comment:

  1. What a great post! Wow, the girl DO look like teenagers in that picture! Gorgeous!
