Monday, April 21, 2014

Grace Like Rain

 This is a weed.  I am no theologian nor do I write quippy or controversial prose.  I am a simple girl who loves being loved by her God.  Every time, I mean EVERY time I go on a walk solo God ministers to my heart.  Today it was through this weed.  It caught my eye because of its flower.  It reminded me of Romans 5:8, fitting after celebrating Christ's death and resurrection this Sunday.

'You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die.  But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.'  

I'm like that weed, ugly and sinful, far from perfect.  In great need of grace.  In need of the One I love to look past my faults and inadequacies and to shower His grace on me.  What that weed benefitted from was the recent rains.  How grateful I am for God's grace that rains down on us--no matter who we are or what we've done, where we've come from, how long we've been wounded or how long we've been running.  He showers us with His grace and love and waits patiently for us to receive it and to be made beautiful in the midst of our weed-like tendencies.

I loved this post that my dear friend Colleen posted from Costa Rica yesterday:

Hey watching the whole world rejoice and wondering how they possibly could when the weight of your cross is still so heavy on your shoulders, when the pain still pierces, while you linger long in tomb mourning, you who are echoing Peter's "I never knew Him" loud still..I see you. You are not doing it wrong. Jesus does not have you on a dead line. He is alive and He will wait for you. That is what it means that Love won. Resurrection hope is still yours. Hang in there. Sunday will come for you too. You are not alone and not forgotten and not abandoned by the merry makers. We are celebrating what is yours too. We'll hold on to it until you are ready for it. And we will walk with you until then. Don't give up on Love.

Thank you, Jesus for your showers of grace.  Thank you for making beauty out of our failings.  Thank you for waiting on us.  Thank you for not requiring that we 'clean up' before you shower your love on us.  I will love you all my days.

Monday, January 13, 2014

IF: Costa Rica

This is the story of IF:  Costa Rica.

It has been 10 years since I’ve travelled to another country for a mission trip.  Having and caring for babies will keep you grounded.  I’ve watched my husband go here and there, sometimes twelve days at a time.  Now that the kids are older I’ve been waiting for the right, God directed opportunity to spread my wings and serve internationally. 

Rewind to September of 2013.  My friend Nickie hosted a gathering in her home and invited gals from our neighborhood to listen to what her friend, Colleen was doing through her Catholic mission in Costa Rica.  Everyone who came immediately connected with the very likeable, outgoing, and passionate Colleen and left excited and super supportive of all Colleen is doing for the indigenous Cabecar people.  It was thrilling to see their efforts to provide respite and health care for the impoverished families there, to love on widows, orphans, and the homeless, to raise and deliver chickens, aka, protein to the villagers, to evangelize and teach.  (see But for me, the connection and admiration I had with Colleen was spiritual--I felt as if I could read between the lines and see into her heart.  

My husband and I have been in ministry for 17 years.  Ministry is often a lonely calling-and I’m sure it’s multiplied by 100 when you are overseas in the jungle.  You are the counselor, the teacher, the giver, the meeter of needs, the literal hands and feet of Christ who brings good news.  And I must say, those hands and feet get tired.   You find yourself longing for someone to step into your life and offer you counseling and comfort, to teach ‘you’, to give to ‘you’.  But asking is super hard, feels awkward and embarrassing.  You are the one who is supposed to be strong.  Is it ok to share your needs and even weaknesses and struggles?  (I’ve learned the hard way that many people don’t know what to do with the pastor’s wife’s needs and inadequacies…She’s supposed to be perfect…it can really rock someone’s world to know these intimate details let alone to know what to ‘do’ with them)

All that to say, I knew I wanted to find a way to bless Colleen and connect with her and encourage and love on her.  I believe so strongly Jesus’ words in 1 Thessalonians 5:12-12 “We ask you brothers to respect those who labor among you and are over you in the Lord and admonish you, and to esteem them very highly in love because of their work.”

Many people think that ministers should suffer and go without.  That it’s a calling to poverty of some sort.    This is not what the Bible speaks.  1 Timothy 5 says that those who direct the affairs of the church are worthy of double honor and that the worker deserves his wages.

So…this is my heart for Colleen…. And then on October while browsing through Facebook I see this post from Colleen:

For all my girls not going to IF : Gathering Austin, I think you should plan to visit me and we'll have IF Missions. And I'm not just saying that. Girls' mission trip in which we ask the big questions, tell our stories and live it out loud. It could be good. Consider yourself officially invited.

You see, this  ‘IF Gathering’ here in Austin  is planned for February  8 and 9.  Women will come to worship and pray and listen and dream.  While many of us have the opportunity to jump on board and attend something like this…when you are on the mission field these experiences aren’t a reality.  So, I took Colleen up on her offer… We quickly formed a team of 6 women to take the charge of 1 Timothy 2:1-6 to bring thanksgiving and prayers for our spiritual leaders.  This bunch of protestants is going to bless our Catholic sister.  

We will  go to Costa Rica and bring with us, double honor for Colleen and their work there.  We will go with full hands, big hearts, and open ears.  Our hands full of tangible provisions to bless her, big hearts ready to grieve, celebrate , and love on her.  And open ears to hear her…to let her be known…to give her a safe place to just BE…to take off her hats of ‘missionary’, ‘teacher’,  ‘leader’,  ‘counselor’ and ‘provider’, and to just BE Colleen—our sister in Christ. 

Colleen, here we come!

BONUS::  I’d also like to share the story of IF: Costa Rica from Colleen’s perspective below.  Enjoy!

Why I Am Asking IF

Back in September at Idea Camp, I had the pleasure of hearing Jennie Allen  speak. And let me tell you something, I was all on board to sign up for whatever it was she was about afterwards. Her passion, her heart for Jesus, her honesty about being a woman and loving other women was a language I speak it deep in my heart. It is a language that has been beating its rhythm loud in my head since my friend Ann began calling us the #esthergeneration from the red clay of Uganda. Its song is being sung in my development of our social enterprise initiative and our St. Francis Emmaus Center.

So when I learned about Jennie's IF:Gathering, I got excited. If you know me, you won't be surprised that I leaped right in without looking at how deep the water was. I told you about the common ground established with people at Idea Camp. IF was an opportunity to really see that concept bloom, and I was all in.

When Jennie announced her bigger vision for IF and all the  ladies I like to read a whole lot started sharing pictures of those twinkle lights and that pretty white table, and I knew I could be a part of it from my little mountain top in faraway Costa Rica, I was doubly excited. But sad that I would be alone. So I boldly shouted that anyone who wanted to could come join me here for IF: Missions. I realize now that it is really easy to be all brave like the other girls when your proposal seems unlikely.

But then they said "yes". Ladies from varied backgrounds and different denominations said they would actually like to ask IF with me in this space and see where God led us. And then, as I tend to do when I jump into something with all my heart, I panicked a little. Not about having company. But asking myself if this was what God was doing, or what I wanted.

And so I did what I do when I am panicking about God. I prayed. I sat with Him. I searched my heart and I searched His Word. And He led me to the answer of why my heart simply must ask IF. That answer is three-fold.

1. My Morning Offering makes me an offer. For as long as I can remember I have prayed a Morning Offering that begs for the "unity of all Christians". But I have not every often asked myself what my responsibility was to what I was praying for. If we are honestly praying for unity, it seems to me that we need to be actively working toward unity, no? And how do we find unity if we never meet? Never sit at the same table and see one another for who we are. If there is no relationship, how can there be unity?

I want that unity. I want to be able to sit with sisters in Christ outside the lines and the boxes that have been drawn for us and see anew what unity could mean. I want to sit at a table that is about conversation not conversion to one way of thinking. I want grasp what is good and lovely and noble in the sisterhood of Christ and shake it up like a bottle full of dormant sparkles and watch it mix and float and become something breathtakingly beautiful. Because I believe in a God that unites. And I believe He does it in ways that are not systematic but surprising, in ways that are much less about what we bring to the table and much more about what He has to serve us, in ways that challenge the deepest parts of us and yet lavish us with love and generous grace. Because His purposes, His heart, His love are already triumphant. If we can just let Him win, the world will change. Hearts will heal. Stereotypes will crumble. Timid voices will find their vibrato and sing. And oh, how I would love to sing in the chorus of united sister love, in the #estergeneration's choir.

2.  Acts 2 asks for all. "When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them." That is what His Word says.

I believe that if ALL the disciples were in one place the day the Holy Spirit set them on fire and the church was born, that there were women there too. And the flames dances on their heads and their mouths opened and they were ALL IN ONE ROOM and they left from there and set the world on fire. Acts does not tell us their stories. And rightfully so. It is named Acts of the Apostles for a reason. It has a purpose and it has its story to tell. 

But who is telling ours? Because there is a story left to be told, the story that we are writing, the distant daughters of the women with flames dancing over their heads and the fire alight in their hearts and their tongues loosed with the power of God and the whole world waiting to hear what they have to say. And I want to be one who tells that story because I know in my deepest being that it is full of the glory of God and the kingdom come and heaven's hope. 

And I think it has start right there where it did in Acts 2. "They were ALL together in one place." In the days before division and denominations built walls between us, the Spirit came in full force when they were all together in one room. And the world was a changed place because of it. And I know from my own life that the Word of God is extensively repetitive. We go back and do what He did and what they that named themselves His name did, Christians, and the Word is alive again and our God lives and the flames dance and the fire falls and the world changes. And I want to be there waiting.

3. Romans 8 yokes me with an obligation.  If we are the distant daughters of they whom the Spirit descended upon and we claim life in Christ, then we live governed by the Spirit. My favorite book of the Bible then says in verse 6 that "The mind governed by the flesh is death,but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace". A mind governed by the flesh is death. Sin, division and fear have their origins in death. Life, peace, love, and unity are the thoughts of the mind governed by the Spirit. And so in verse 12 Romans tell us that we have an obligation: an obligation to live according ot the Spirit. To live life and peace and good and hope and unity and fire dancing, life changing risks. 

And Romans ends its brilliant treatise of life in the Spirit with this: "For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God...Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory." 

And for this we will gather. We will suffer through the unknown and the strangeness and the things that divide God's children with our Jesus. We wonder why about one another and find things hard to swallow in our differences. We will feel the brokenness in the Body of Christ and wish there were away out of it. Because we know that there, in that place, his glory will shine. 

And wherever the glory of God is, I want to be. And I want to lift my hands and hear the wind of the Spirit rise and watch the flames dance in eyes of my sisters and speak the words of life in their foreign tongues so that they will hear. And I want them to do the same for me. 

So, me, I am asking IF. But I think God is already giving me a glimpse of the answer. 

Sunday, March 4, 2012

My Faith Family

Today was the best day! My middle child, Callie, was baptized. If you don't know her story, here is a snip-it. Callie has always been what you might call 'strong willed'. At age 2 she was already in the principal's office at her preschool. 1st grade was our biggest challenge. She would stand her ground to any and every person in authority. She would kick doors, throw shoes, and boy could she scream. John and I read books, met with behavioral specialists, held special prayer meetings and even tried Super Nanny techniques. Visions of that Callie as a 16 year old teenager would plague my mind and it was so easy to doubt that God would provide the breakthrough that we were so fervently praying for. We knew that prayer was our only hope and we also began speaking God's word over her. In her darkest moments we will still tell her that she was a joy and delight (Luke 1:14)--that was who she was on the inside and we just kept praying that Callie would choose to behave like that was true. Over the course of her 1st grade year, her teacher also poured into her like crazy. She would even have a co-teacher come in the room to take care of the OTHER TWENTY kids while she focused on our Callie. (This was one amazing teacher) She would take Callie in front of the mirror and have her look at herself to remind her of who she was. She taught her analogies such as "Is this a mountain or a little ant hill?" to try to enable her to choose her battles when it came to emotional outbursts. Anyway, by May of her 1st grade year we started to see a change in Callie. It came on just like answers to prayer often do--gradually. Answers to our prayers often sneak up on us and aren't like miraculous booms or fireworks shows. This was gradual and this was awesome! One night Callie even told me, "I'm just not the same child I used to be". PRAISE JESUS!!! So, over the course of the next 6 months she has drawn near to God and most recently decided it was her turn to get baptized. (Her twin brother was baptized last summer and Callie said she wasn't ready) Well, today was HER day!!!

Romans 6:3-4 3 Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death 4 We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life.

The second thing that made today so great was to relish in the presence of the family of faith that God has blessed me with. If I'm honest, the thing I continually struggle with that seems to be a deep scar on my soul is the loneliness I feel from not being born into a biological family of faith. I am very disconnected from my parents who are not followers of Christ and who are also very uninvolved in my and my children's lives. This devastates me. This disappoints me. This hurts deeply. I so yearn for it to be different but it isn't and it wasn't. I have released them and I love them dearly. The super good news is that God does not leave us as spiritual orphans.

John 14:24-28 I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. 19 Before long, the world will not see me anymore, but you will see me. Because I live, you also will live. 20 On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you. 21 Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him."

God is our Father, our forever and perfect family. AND, no matter what biological family we come from, God promises to provide for the deep yearning for a family who understands our love and commitment to God, a family who loves us unconditionally like Christ models for us.

Psalm 68:6 God sets the lonely in families.

Matthew 12:48-50 48 But he replied to the man who told him, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?”49 And stretching out his hand toward his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers! 50 For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.”

So now I give to you the faith family God has provided for me. I will cherish this picture forever because these two ladies have been moms in Christ to me. Liz Tuttle on the right has always believed in John and I. She is our biggest cheerleader. She gives the best hugs and always has a positive word to speak over us. She inserted herself into Callie's life in her roughest spots an loved on her. When no one else would watch our kids for fear of catching the 'gunk' (tummy bug every 6 weeks for 3 years, and no I'm not exaggerating) LIZ WOULD. She cleaned up puke and wiped booties. She is the epitome of unconditional, whatever it takes love. And, Cecilia on the left has walked me through so many things. She has held me tight when I thought I'd never stop weeping, she has come to my rescue and held my head up over the toilet when I was so sick with salmonella food poisoning that I had to be hospitalized. She prayed for the conception of my twin babies and came and changed their diapers once they were born. And today she stood by my side as the daughter we prayed for so diligently made the best decision of her life.
Lastly, I am so thankful for my sister in Christ Allison. It is terribly lonely being an only child. It has been ridden with insecurity and awkwardness in friendships. God was so good to me to bring Allison into my life nearly 6 years ago. She has been the sister I've always yearned for. I am super protective of her as she is with me. She has loved on my kids and been the hands on aunt that I have always dreamed of. I love her and cherish her!

So...God is good. He answers prayers. He is the Giver of all that is good and right. I love Him more than life!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Our Privilege

This has been a great Christmas...Going into the holiday season we wanted to make sure that the focus in our home was on Jesus' birth and on giving to others. It is so easy to get wrapped up in lists and to dos and what everyone 'wants' for presents. I just finished reading 'Kisses from Katie' which is the story of 23 year old Katie from Tennessee who much to her surprise after a mission trip to Uganda decided to live there indefinitely and has ended up adopting 12 little girls and serves over 500 children food everyday. Reading her story just doubly emphasizes my desire to serve others and go above and beyond the 'typical American' life I've been blessed with. Sometimes the things I do here in Buda seem so small and insignificant compared to, for example, feeding 500 starving children in Africa everyday. It has also been frustrating that we have felt called to adopting through the foster care system here and it has been a year of being licensed and we still have no news.

One thing we decided in November was to broaden our perameters with our desire to adopt a little boy. John and I agreed that it was ridiculous that we have had a bed, clothes, toys...all ready to go to receive a little boy for over a year now and still CPS has not given us a child to care for. So, we changed our status to being open to fostering, respite care or whatever was needed--especially over the holidays. We figured that certainly the need might be greater over the holidays. We also were excited at the possibility of being able to have a new child to love and serve as a family over Christmas. The interesting thing is that indeed we have been blessed with being able to stand in the gap for some children in need this Christmas but it didn't come through CPS or the foster care system.

Our good friend Becky has been involved with a family on the east side of Buda for over a year. This is a family of 14 children ages 2 years to 16 years who are all being care for by their grandmother due to delinquent parents or parents in prison. A year ago they all lived in a single wide trailer with no shower and cooked over a butane camping stove. (Yes, for all 15 of them) Our church partnered with Austin Angels to remodel the existing construction trailer they were living in and also providing another single wide. Later we built a deck between the two and got them a stove, refrigerator, and window AC units. Though this was a real help the family still struggles tremendously financially. Right now they don't have electricity (which is no fun with no heat or lights at night) because they are so behind on their bills.

Well, Becky saw another need a year ago to begin mentoring 3 of the older girls. For the past year she has taken these girls to her home every weekend to shower, wash clothes, and just be with her family. To have someone to help with their homework, to see a mom and a DAD, etc. They have been serving alongside Becky as well. Another amazing thing is that after John and the Peru team returned from their trip in October, they brought 10 kids before our church who needed sponsorships to attend school in Peru. Well these girls Becky mentors decided to sponsor a child in Peru. They now work hard babysitting and cleaning to pay the $35 a month to sponsor their child.

Another family from Austin New Church has also been taking two of the grandma's younger girls to their home on the weekends. This is such a service to the grandma and the kids because she has to work and often the kids aren't adequately supervised or fed.

So, our family has also had the privilege of getting to help these kids recently. We have been taking 5 year old Louis with us for the past month. We have been enjoying the Christmas season with him (and his sisters on one occasion as well) He and Tyler have really clicked and the girls love him too! We have him signed up to play basketball on Saturdays with the kids in January. Though Louis is not 'officially ours' we are privileged to care for him for now primarily on the weekends. I am especially grateful for John and the way he is showing Louis what a dad is and how a dad should lead a family.

God has been faithful yet again to provide for the desires of our hearts to be a family to a little boy although not in the way we expected...It is a privilege to serve and I realize God is pleased with my service here just as much as if it were in Africa. As Katie writes in her book, "What am I doing here? I do not usually forget the answer to all these questions: 'For Jesus. Because He called me to this and because He gave His life for me.' This means that it has been granted to me, it is my privilege."

Friday, October 14, 2011

You are Beautiful

I haven't posted in so long, I know. To be completely honest I have just been so frustrated and disappointed about our desire for adoption remaining unfulfilled that getting onto this blog made me too sad. But that is not what I am dwelling on today!

John is in Peru for two weeks. Today God really ministered to me on my walk and reminded me to embrace this time as a gift from Him. Yesterday I was reminded of the passage in 1 Corinthians 7 where Paul encourages folks to stay single because it enables you to be of an undivided heart toward God. "Teach me your way, O Lord, and I will walk in your truth, give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name." Psalm 86:11

I remember embracing this passage when I was in college and single. I learned then to allow God to fully meet my every need for approval, affection, and comfort. Growing up I was raised by a mother who did not give me those things either. Instead I was met with criticism, slander, and coldness. She did not know how to give affection or encouragement. I also craved it because my dad wasn't around either.

My little Callie is having a hard time with her daddy being gone for so long. (She is quite the daddy's girl) She broke down in tears after a long hard day of misbehavior. She finally let it all out and said, "I just miss Daddy. He treats me so nice." I gave her a huge hug and then explained to her that growing up I didn't have a dad around--saw him about once a year. I was able to explain that I had to trust God to be my Father. Wherever I was, whatever I was doing--happy or sad, He was always there.

Back to today on my walk....God reminded me of all these things. He reminded me that He is in fact my First Love, My Husband, My Father, and also the comforting, approving mother I crave. When there is no one around to tell me that I am loved, that I am beautiful, that I am important. He is there. He is there to 'treat me nice'. If you are feeling alone or less than beautiful or approved of today, embrace the gift of God's word and Presence to you.

"The Lord Your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing." Zephaniah 3:17

Beautiful--by Bethany Dillon (Download this song!)
You make me beautiful
You make me stand in awe
You step inside my heart, and I am amazed
I love to hear You say
Who I am is quite enough
You make me worthy of love and beautiful

Monday, April 25, 2011

Running on Fumes

If you're about to run out of gas, the best thing to do is slow way down to conserve fuel so that you can make it to the next station. This is not easy for those of us who are 'go-getters' and who like to make things happen. Stopping to get gas is just a drag sometimes.

Have you ever noticed that if you don't heed God's instructions to rest, that He will often find a way to 'force' you to rest and recharge? This has happened to me recently, hence the lack of blog posts. I had some health issues come up that slowed me down. In hindsight, I am really really grateful for the wake up call. I feel like I was comparable to a car who was just filling up here and there a few bucks at a time (as many folks are doing now literally due to the terribly high gas prices!) and not getting my regular oil changes. This wears a car out, right? It will eventually 'conk', as did I.

The thing about God is that He is utterly concerned about our health, and very much concerned about our spiritual health. Sometimes we can push so hard in life--even good things to please God and benefit His kingdom that we are physically, spiritually and emotionally worn out and exhausted.

God Himself is the source of all life. He is the life out of which everything else flows. Jesus gave us the example of the vine and the branches. He is the vine and we are the branches (John 15:5) Rest is just one of the ways we receive the life of God. Why is it that we feel like rest is a luxury and that we are irresponsible and 'lazy' if we rest on a regular basis? What would it be like to yield to Christ and rest as He prescribes in His Word? 'Be Still and Know that I am God?" Ps. 46:10.

In 1 Kings 19:11-12 God spoke to Elijah in a cave and said,

“Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the LORD, for the LORD is about to pass by.”
Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the LORD, but the LORD was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake. 12 After the earthquake came a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper.

To hear that whisper and be restored, refreshed, and recharged for the tasks God has for us, we have to:

--settle down
--shut out all the drama
--quiet our hearts
--yield to Him
--choose to FOLLOW and submit to His plan

When you run out of gas, there are very few options left to do things your way. You are no longer in control of going the direction you set out for. You are in a desperate state. In need of rescue, in need of power to continue on. This is where I am and there is no place I'd rather be. I invite you to join me and yield to God. His ways are higher than ours and His plan will always prevail! I'm excited to have finally 'run out of gas' so that I can truly follow Him on the course He sets for me and my future. :)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Your Love is Better than Life

Today is Valentines Day. I had the most wonderful morning with the love of my life--this being Jesus. I was able to take a walk and allow Him to minister to my broken spirit. I have experienced two big disappointments with children that were available to be potentially placed in our home in the past two weeks. Both of these situations completely broke my heart. I yearn so desperately for God to fulfill my longing for a child and to fulfill what I believe He has called John and I to. When things don't turn out how I expect it is easy to begin to doubt just about everything and for extreme discouragement to set in.

But during my walk this morning I was reminded of the one thing that I can always depend on--the love of God for me. I am SO blessed to be loved by God. His love for me is what keeps me going. Since I asked Jesus to come into my life when I was 8 I have always had a constant companion and a reason for living and assurance of my eternity. This is what I have clung to over the years when I have found myself alone and hurting. In a recent conversation I had I admitted that Christianity to me is a 'crutch'. (Some people see that as a negative thing) But I do NEED a relationship with God. I need the strength and assurance He provides. I cannot live in this difficult world without Him and without the hope of being in His perfect presence one day. I also admitted to a friend that I am so 'in' this that I willingly put 'all my cards in' on the fact that I believe God is real and my relationship with Him is true. Today I was reminded of the passage in Matthew 13:44 "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field." I have sold it all and bought the field, so to speak.

So today on Valentines Day, I give my complete affection and allegiance to the only one who truly satisfies and loves me without fail and promises me eternal treasures in Heaven. Everything other disappointment or challenge is very very dim in comparison to this glorious fact.
"My love will never fail you." 1 Corinthians 13:8